Our children are a precious gift from the Lord. the Bible tells us they are a “heritage from the Lord.” (Ps. 127:3) It is the greatest honor to raise these beautiful souls.
As Moms, the greatest thing we can do for our kids is to fiercely cover them in prayer. As much as we want to protect our kids and always be there for them, we can’t. The good news is that He can.
It’s hard to believe but He truly loves them even more than we do. That is a love that our human minds can’t comprehend but we can definitely trust it. We love to pray over our kids. In our home, it’s usually on the way to school. We all take turns praying and I do the wrap up prayer. In the podcast, Pastor Marla shared how they are intentional at night with their devotion and prayer time.
Maybe you’re new to prayer time with your kids. It can be tough to figure out what to say and where to start. Pastor Marla and I have put together a list of prayer points to prayer over your kids.
Modeling that with our kids will teach them how to pray as well.
Read these scriptures with them. “We can’t go wrong when we pray according to God’s Word.“ - Ps. Marla Stroup
Dear Lord,
Thank you for this wonderful day you’ve given us. (Psalm 118: 24) Thank you for Your love and grace.
Today we pray for…
More of the Holy Spirit in their lives (Luke 11:13)
(Counselor, helper, teacher, causes them to remember)
We pray against fear (2 Timothy 1:7)
God, thank you that you give my child power, loved and a sound mind.
(Psalm 91)
Jesus, be their refuge and their fortress. A safe place for them to run to and a place of safety from all harm.
Remind them that they are leaders and not followers. That they will choose to follow you even when it’s hard. (Deuteronomy 28:13)
Remind them that they are never alone. You will always be with them.
(Joshua 1:5)
Because You are with them, and the power of God lives in their cute little hearts, there is NOTHING THAT THEY CANNOT DO! (I make mine scream that part. - Megan)
(Philippians 4:13)
We love you, Jesus. We are grateful for your presence. Help us to have the best day/night ever. AMEN.
You’ll find that once you start, you and your kids will add your own things and soon not even need this list.
Remember, talking to God is just as simple as talking to your best friend. It’s not about the eloquence of our words but earnestness of our hearts.
Here’s more powerful prayers to pray over, and with, your kiddos.

Full disclaimer: The name of the prayer guide has literally nothing to do with its effectiveness but rather, my insatiable need to be cheesy and do the absolute MOST with everything. I felt that was important to clarify. ;-)
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